I took these pictures of birds through the windows in the kitchen, dirty windows, one with a screen on it, so it's really bad. I don't have the patience that Bird Anonymous has to go out and sit there until the birds decide I'm not a threat and start coming around despite my presence, and I'm not sure the cardinal ever would. They are very nervous, so here they are. If you don't enjoy them, take your own damn pics!

Robin Red Breast

Rose Breasted Gross Beak

Personally, I'm a fan of all bird photos. I love cardinals - so gorgeous. And I alwys thought robins had a ton pf personality (birdonality?)
WOOOHOOO! Well done Red Mojo!!
HAHHAHAHAAA I'm enjoying these but will take my own damn photos anyway - now just to find a Cardinal, Red Robin and Rose Breasted Gross Beak ... its not going to happen! Great to see some birdies I'm not familiar with :)
cit, thanks, you're very kind.
anon, thanks for your enthusiasm. I knew you'd be happy just to see them, even if they are sub-par photos.
Geeze red-what's with the perfectionistic crap? Enjoy the damn birds and quit your grousing.......(I'm such a twit wit....)
Wow, those are pretty good pics, considering. I've taken a lot of wildlife pics (coyote, hawk, rabbit) with my cell phone, and I always have to explain to people what the blurry things in the middle of the frame are.
Okay you showoff... trying to just one-up all of us with your gorgeous "reds"... I have no cardinals here... only saw my first ones in Arkansas several years ago. Nice Mr." picture :) Robins - hey, I got tons of them... but then grossbeaks? They are so few and far between, I couldn't hardly dream of seeing one, let alone getting a neat photo. Well, guess you get the win this week :) What the HELL are you talking about... subpar... sheesh!
Nice shots! We get Blue Jays up the wazoo here but I've always wanted to see a Cardinal in the flesh. Er...feathers.
debra kay, I am who I am and who I am needs no explaining...
diesel, you are both kind and generous!
tsduff, the gross beak is a rare treat in these parts too. I have been lucky enough to attract a couple to my feeder.
ben, thanks buddy. You must be excited about your new home, two more days!
Amazing colours on those birds! My mum has a bird house and gets quite a few robins but nothing like the variety here!
I like the pictures. I am scared of birds...that whole pointy beak bit. Pictures: good.
quickroute, thank you for the compliment and the visit!
charlotta-love, pointy beak, warm heart?
I always like robins..but what I seem to get alot here are crows. There is nothing like a dozen big black shiny crows in the your front yard...kinda freaky and kinda fascinating all at the same time. Next to our seagulls, these are the most agressive birds I've ever seen!
yenbar, crows are strangely fascinating. They are pretty intelligent, and a little scary looking! LOL
Red I missed these ones! (busy week) Your Robins look very different to the European ones but those Red Cardinals, gorgeous! Nothing like that in my vast back yard (live on five acres of eucalypts so they attract cockatoos, galahs and lorikeets - the noise is horrendous!) Little birds don't settle in my garden as there aren't enough small bushes for nesting. The Cardinal and the Red Breasted Gross Beak are beautiful. Like the fact that you're not fastidious about window cleaning! (although you'd never know!)
baino, It is fun to see the different birds from around the world. There are so many beautiful ones. The cardinals are very bright and beautiful, and not that common, although if you have one around, he's easy to spot. The rose breasted gross beak is kind of rare, I just got lucky.
What beautiful photos! I especially love the Rose Breasted Gross Beak because we don't have any here, as far as I know.
We have an owl in the backyard who has been with me my entire life in all the places I've lived. I think he's my spirit guide. And yes, I'm sure it's the same owl. I am.
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