Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Can I help who's next?- or- The downfall of customer service
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9:40 AM
knee-jerk reactions
Monday, November 26, 2007
Monday Movies
I like love movies! I watch very little television, but I do have a large pull down movie screen, and projector, a very good sound system and a movie collection of about 400 DVDs so far. I watch several movies a week, and thought I would make a movie review on Mondays, part of my blog. I will review the best and the worst movie I saw this past week. This may bore some of you to tears, but I don't mind! I belong to Netflix and they use a 5 star rating system, which I think is insufficient so I will use a six star system.
- Hated it (wasted 2 whole hours of my life)
- Didn't like it
- Not bad, but not recommendable
- Liked it
- Liked it a lot
- Loved it (these are the ones I buy)
This weeks best and worst:

Stomp the Yard was the best movie this week. I give it 4 stars. The part of this film that I really like is the "stepping" that they do throughout the movie. This is a combination of precision drill team and dance. Since I have done both, it is of particular interest to me. The storyline is eh, okay. If you happened to see Drumline, this is pretty much the same movie; just plug in the different activity. It is possible that if you're not me, or someone exactly like me, you may not enjoy this movie as much as I did. In fact if there had been more stepping and less story, I'd have rated it even higher! Sick. Fear X is one of the worst pieces of garbage I've sat through in a long time. I give it 2 stars. I'd give it 1, but I have to save 1 for something really offensive, not just plain lame. Plus, I did sit though the whole thing. What made me do it? John Turturro, of course. This guy can really do scary! If you saw Secret Window staring Johnny Depp you know what I'm talking about. He's a good actor overall, so I kept waiting for the movie to start, for him to snap. Well, I was still waiting when the credits started to roll. What a slow moving, non-gripping, cure for insomnia this movie was. In fact, the look on his face on the cover of the DVD jacket is the same look I had on my face for the entire movie.
Posted by
4:46 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
7 Ways I'm Weird
From one of very most favorite bloggers, Heartinsanfrancisco's blog, Guilty With an Explanation, I have been passively tagged with this meme. I am called upon to describe 7 ways I'm weird, or random facts about me:
1. When I was around 5 years old, I asked my mother; who was my mother before her. (I'm not adopted)
2. I spent about a month homeless, immediately preceding my signing up to join the army. I sneaked into a college dorm late at night behind someone that lived there, and slept in a broom closet. I was up and out very early in the morning before anyone discovered me.
3. Some women followed me from a bar where I worked one night, to my car, and tried to break into it to hurt or kill me. I got the doors locked just in time. They tried to break the windows, then they pulled their car up behind mine to try to trap me, and I saw one pull a shot gun out of the trunk. I took off, over a sidewalk to get away and they chased me in their car through the streets of Hartford. I ran every red light I came to, to try to attract the attention of the police, but nothing. I finally made it back to the bar, and ran back inside, where the 400 pound bouncer, Patrick would protect me.
4. I spent 2 years in Virginia with a bicycle as my only mode of transportation.
5. When I lived in L.A. , I danced in a gay country western meets Las Vegas show girls dance group called The Men and Women of the Midnight Cowboys. We performed at Gay Pride festivals, The San Diego Gay Rodeo, and GLAD media awards.

6. I packed up my life and moved to California without ever having been there. I didn't know anyone, or have a job. I prepaid a month for a room in a house, and had a months worth of rent and grocery money on me.
7. I have an uncanny memory for song lyrics. I learn them very quickly, and don't seem to ever forget them. I can hear a song I haven't heard in over 30 years, and still know the words.
Again, I would like to add; if you would like to do this meme, please consider yourself tagged and have fun!
Posted by
6:17 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
First Snow
A treeGoldfinches
Posted by
10:24 AM
knee-jerk reactions
Saturday, November 17, 2007
"When people ask us how we've stayed together so long we tell them it's because of the 4 C's." one of them said.
"Okay, I'll bite, what are they?" I asked.
They told me, and now I'm going to tell you, because after thinking it through, I am sure that they are the necessary ingredients for a successful relationship. I realized how many times I have failed when only three out of the four were strong.
1. Chemistry
2. Compatibility
3. Communication
4. Comedy
Posted by
8:37 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The Guilty Six Meme
I was tagged by heartinsanfrancisco while visiting the blog Guilty With an Explanation
6 guilty pleasures no one would suspect me of having:
1. I like to watch Spongebob Squarepants
2. Gaming, I love PS2 games like Kingdom Hearts
3. Ben & Jerry's Dublin Mudslide, the whole pint.
4. Singing at the top of my lungs in the car.
5. Starbucks triple vente sugar free vanilla non-fat latte.
6. Puffing but not inhaling on a big nasty macanudo gold cigar with a glass of port
6 guilty pleasures I wish I had the courage to indulge:
1. Run in and complete a marathon
2. White water kayaking
3. Build a wooden strip canoe
4. Start painting (oils)
5. Skydive
6. Get a tattoo
6 pleasures I once considered guilty but have either abandoned or made peace with:
1. Spending the entire day on a motorcycle ride
2. Enjoying a glass of red wine with dinner even when I dine alone
3. Indulging my shoe fetish
4. Golfing twice a week
5. Season opera tickets
6. Putting my needs ahead of others.
Like heartinsanfrancisco, I would like to add that if you'd like to do this meme, consider yourself tagged. I'll see it when I visit you next!
Posted by
7:37 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Monday, November 12, 2007
My Great Uncle Bert
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12:32 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Blind Date Falls Flat
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7:55 AM
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Thanksgiving Day is On the Horizon
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9:43 AM
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Monday, November 5, 2007
Falling Back
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9:21 AM
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Thursday, November 1, 2007
Because I Said So!
Whenever I find myself unhappy at my job, I just remember what it was like to feel the way this person felt when they did this.
Being your own boss is great!
Posted by
8:42 AM
knee-jerk reactions