Posted by
9:42 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Alright, maybe that last one is a longshot, but the rest of them could...well maybe not 4 or 7. What are you trying to do? Depress me? Hey, a girl can dream can't she?
Posted by
3:27 PM
knee-jerk reactions
I had to run some errands, do some shopping, and I was going out to dinner last night and was low on cash, so I raided my piggy bank and watched in amazement as the coin-star machine counted it all up and spit out a voucher for $146.00. Woohoo!
When I got home my Mom called me and told me to look at the moon. "I know, it's a full moon tonight, it's beautiful" I said.
"No, go look at it now, it's almost fully eclipsed!" she replied.
Sure enough, I had a great view of it, and tried to take couple pictures but didn't set up a tripod, so they aren't very clear. There are branches between where I stood and the moon too, but no ambient light to speak of, so they could be worse. Cool!
Today, I was having my morning coffee when I heard a thud. I know this sound, it's a bird hitting the window on the front of my house. I have lots of glass, and I hear this sound way too often. I looked out and saw a little nut-hatch laying on the deck in a face plant. I went out and picked it up. It was alive, but sometimes they break their necks and it takes a while for them to die. He was pretty stunned. I brought him into the house to keep him warm, and just held him for a while. He seemed to be getting a little livelier, so I put him down on the back step in the sun, he clung to my fingers as I tried to place him there, and then I just watched him. At first he had one eye closed and wouldn't open it, I hoped he hadn't been blinded in one eye, but couldn't tell. Then he started looking around slowly, his neck wasn't broken, but could he fly? It took about 10 minutes, but he became alert and started moving around on his feet, he opened his eye. His movements became quicker and then it happened. He flew to the pine tree by the feeder. I was very relieved. Yipee!
And the last wonder, Heartinsanfrancisco has given me an award! Best Blogging Buddies Award.
SWEET! I love this adorable little award, and I will display it with great pride because of the respect and admiration I have for the blogger who gave it to me, and no, I did not send her any money!
I would like to present this award to a couple of new bloggers in my community who I felt a quick and easy connection with. Slip from Accidental Farmer who visits me regularly, is a kindred spirit, and usually has something witty and interesting to say. Roro from Creampuff Revolution who is not only hysterically funny and bright, but also friendly and helpful! And last but not least, VE from VE's Fantastical Nonsense who is groundbreakingly nonsensical and fantastic! I admire all of you for your unique style and brand of humor. Blog-on!
Posted by
4:43 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Metal Snow Shovel: $24.00
Ruined Colorado Work Boots: $ 140.00
Calories Burned: (no one has ever counted that high)
Freedom: Priceless
During my confinement I rowed 82,000 meters, watched 14 movies, read 1 1/2 books, took apart, cleaned and reassembled the blower on my wood stove and watched way too much tv. I kept up with everyone's blogs, wrote 4 posts, played lots of computer games. I had to call and reschedule a few appointments, stress about money, stress about work, stress about the effects of stress, stress about rescheduling and telling people what a perfect retard I am, and how I'm stuck as a result.
I looked at my cell phone when I got upstairs, 10 missed calls! She'd been calling the whole time I was rowing, and sent him out to find my body, after about a half an hour, because it takes about that long to drive to my house from theirs, and he said it took him 20 minutes to get up the to the house from the road where he had parked.
After I talked to my mother, and she was calm, I went outside with my Dad and we discussed the options with the driveway. "Ya know...This is really a summer house." he blurted out.
"Thanks dad, That's helpful!" I answered. I can always count on him for gems like this. We talked about the possibility of heating the driveway in the future, that was also helpful, if I win the lottery! He brought me a square-ended garden shovel I could hack away at the frozen slush with, which was entertaining for about an hour after he'd gone. Then it started to rain and sleet, and I was frozen and getting nowhere so I gave up and went back inside.
Now, it's all behind me, and I have learned two valuable lessons:
Posted by
5:13 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Today is Saturday and I am still stuck. 5 days have passed, I can't get to my jobs, can't get the supplies I need, can't get to the tools I need. I have deadlines closing in on me both financial , and jobs, and I can't meet any of them. I'm here at my house wondering if and when I will ever be able to clear the driveway. In the meantime, I'm nurturing along my ulcer, and looking for ways to occupy my mind and keep it off my sticky situation.
Posted by
7:29 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Life-like scaled down model of Vlad the Visionary
Posted by
9:37 AM
knee-jerk reactions
I thought I'd put up a few things I think about when I can't sleep at night, or while I'm stuck driving behind an old man in a hat, with his hands at 10 and 2 o'clock, and no particular place to go.
5. Do people think that pushing the elevator call button a crap-load of times will scare the elevator into thinking there's an angry mob waiting, so it'll work faster?
6. With ALL that money, can't Donald Trump do something better with his hair?
7. When I go up or down a flight of stairs, I can't remember why I did it, and have to return to the floor I came from to figure it out, then start again. If I lived in a ranch, would my memory improve, and my pants size go up?
8. Is it considered a plus or a minus to have a cup-holder as standard equipment?
9. If men were the ones who got pregnant, RU486 (the morning after pill) would be at the register right next to the tic-tacs.
10. When a complete stranger tells me to "smile" It makes me want to sink a crowbar into his skull, set him fire and push him off a bridge into a wood-chipper.
11. What if the dog that I rescued from an abusive pet-owner, was an abusive pet-owner himself in his last life, and was reincarnated as an abused dog to pay his penance, which I interrupted, so now he'll have to come back and do the whole abused dog thing all over again in his next life?
12. Toilets that flush automatically, sometimes while you're still on them, should all be torn out and shipped to a country where they currently just have a hole in the ground to squat over, because they are moderately better than that!
13. If blogging is wrong, I don't wanna be right!
Posted by
4:29 PM
knee-jerk reactions
Posted by
2:08 PM
knee-jerk reactions
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