Bird Anonymous has presented me with this award, and I am to pass it on to 10 bloggers who make my day.

This is fun to do, since Anony and kj already have one, my 10 are, in no particular order, CS, Charlotta-Love, Ces, Heartsinsanfrancisco, Dorky Dad, Diesel, Debra Kay, tsduff, craig d, and wieneke. Congratulations all of you, go ahead, make my day!
Whooheee!! Thank you very much, Red Mojo, I am honored. I just read your comment on my blog and understood that you don't understand the story. First: you don't have to use Babelfish for your comments, the translation English/Dutch is not so good. It is better to do your comments in your own language. All my visitors understand English very well, so they know what you are saying.
Second: Hildegarde is a Flemish blogfriend and she is great in photography. Now she has a new hobby and she 'plays on the computer' with the pictures. She asked whether someone could tell a story about the picture (with the man and the big owl) and I helped her with it. Some of my visitors are great storytellers. Now we are making a kind of combined story. Everyone does a short part. All clear now? Thanks again!
Thanks RM. You just resuscitated me.
Thank you so much, Mojo, and you've made mine.
I should really think about posting something again one of these days, even if just to pass on this delightful award.
WOOHOO! I WIN! Thanks Red! You've made my day!
Helloooo, here I am again. Come and look! I've proudly placed my brandnew award on my blog :-)
Now T, that is just so nice. Thanks, and know it made my day. Yes, I've been moping around... yesterday was the worst day I've had in a long time. Maybe I'll blog about why after I'm done being mad/sad/furious/weepy/etc. Only I'll never tell the whole reason because after all, I know IT'S JUST HORMONES ANYWAY!!
oh - I got my present. I don't get to pick it up for 5 days when it ships... Canon Rebel. I had added on the entire big zoom lense, but then in horror scratched it off the list. It costs as dang much as the camera! So, after I get my new toy maybe things will be brighter.
Thanks for thinking of me - really did make my day :)
Hey, thanks! And a funny coincidence, as you'll see tomorrow.
Well, a scan of your list shows some I'd have picked, too, so I better get on that.
Wieneke, I so happy you like it. It looks great on your blog!
Ces, I couldn't just let you lie there! Plus, you do make my day!
Heart, I didn't mean to wake you up!
Dorky Dad, i laugh every time I visit. I love that ;)
tsduff, I'm glad it was timely. You deserve it.
CS, the suspense is killing me.
Red, back at you, what can I say, you make my day. Check my list.
I'm really pleased you have handed the award onto Ces and TsDuff because GUILTY of them not making my day because not around lately *sigh*. I do hope you don't get hate mail from losers like I have Red Mojo ;)
Ces, Thank you, you are very sweet.
Anon, I'm sure no one meant to be mean or cruel to you in any way. I am so sorry if giving me an award prevented you from giving it to somone who in turn hurt your feelings. I hope that's not the case.
Cue: laugh track. You are kidding right?
Anon, No, I'm completely serious, as always. You know that I am not one to kid, especially about something so important and delicate as your feelings.
Unfortunately I am feeling quite numb right now due to all the HORROR!!!!
Hmn, I hear the violins playing. Red Mojo, don't be fooled by Anon. She had a pelican shoot my head with crap not long ago.
Anon & Ces, Thanks for the laughs you two!
anon deserves a medal. she is a saint.
so there.
ps, thank you thank you
Gosh, thanks for the shout-out, mojo!
Kinda makes me wish I could blog on a daily basis, now...
Thank you very much, I am honored to be amongst the other distinguished awardees
No more suspense - go to my blog and you'll see why the timing was so great!
kj, here here!
craig d, You're welcome. I do too.
debra kay, You're welcome. I always love to see you here.
cs, Wow, we had simultaneous awards! That's not easy. ;)
Hi Red Mojo, I got here from Another Tangential Thinker blog, congrats on the award from cs!
little wing, Nice of you to stop by, and thank you for your congratulations.
Sorry it took me so long to get over here. Thanks for the award!
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